Online Safety Declaration: Acceptable Use Policy

I acknowledge that my use of Futures computer and communications systems may be monitored and/or recorded for lawful purposes 

I accept that I am responsible for the use and protection of the user credentials with which I am provided (user account and password, access token or other items I may be provided with)  

I will not attempt to access any computer system to which I have not been given access. 

I will not leave my computer unattended such that unauthorised access can be gained to information via my account (where application) while I am away. 

I will inform my tutor/ skills coach/ advisor immediately if I detect, suspect, or witness an incident that may be a breach of security or if I observe any suspected information security weaknesses in systems or services.  

I will not attempt to bypass or subvert system security controls or to use them for any purpose other than that intended (e.g., introduce virus or other malware or disable any anti-virus protection) 

I will not access or attempt to access any sites that contain any of the following: child abuse; pornography; promoting discrimination of any kind; promoting racial or religious hatred; promoting illegal acts; any other information which may be illegal or offensive to other students or staff.  

I will never use social networking for personal use or to undermine Futures, its staff or clients while using Futures computer and communication systems.  

I will not use Futures’ email addresses (where applicable) for personal use and will keep all my emails professional (clients are reminded that Futures’ data, including emails, are open to Subject Access Requests under the Data Protection Act) 

I will not use ICT equipment for personal use unless specific permission has been given by my tutor/ skills coach/ advisor. 

I will not upload onto any internet site or service images or videos of myself, other clients or tutors/ skills coaches/ advisors without their consent while using Futures computer and communication systems.